Indian Wedding Invitations- The Factors That Determine The Selection

17/11/2015 10:44

Weddings are made in heaven, and with this belief people in India and other parts of the world tie the nuptial knots. However, weddings in India are a complete different affair. The level of enthusiasm and the cultural elements present in the Indian wedding are absolutely unique. This is the reason why people from the western countries come down here in order to witness the different colors of Indian wedding ceremonies.

Spectacular Indian wedding invitations

Spectacular Indian wedding invitations | Image Resource :

In India and other parts of the world, the weddings begin with the invitation cards. Once the dates of wedding ceremony and reception are finalized, the next part that arrives is the selection of wedding invitation cards. In the market of India, there are more than hundreds of designs available for Spectacular Indian wedding invitations. Selection of the design depends on many factors, such as- budget, religious background, culture, personal preference, etc.

More about the selection of Indian wedding invitations

Religious background is obviously the primary point for the selection of wedding cards in India. In India, numerous religions co-exist peacefully, such as Islam, Hindu, Sikh, Christianity, Jainism, etc. Every religion has its own unique facets, and those facets define the look of the wedding cards. For example, Islamic wedding cards in India feature a more glittery appearance, accompanied with symbols of a star and crescent.

On the other hand, Hindu wedding cards in India feature lot of symbols like Om, Swastika, Lord Ganesha, Doli, etc. Similarly, other religions have their own symbols. Hence, when choosing your wedding card design, you need to pick the symbols accordingly. Apart from the symbols, the color of the wedding card also determines the religious background.

Selection of the budget is the next factor that comes into play. In the world of online stores, there is no shortage of options. The budget is actually determined by the material of the wedding card. For material selection there are options like-

Matte finish paper
Glossy paper (the most widely used material for Indian wedding invitations)
Silk paper
Handmade paper
Marbled paper
Recycled paper
Rice paper

So, choose the material that falls within your budget. Even though in the web world it is not easy to feel the texture of the materials, but the high definition photos provided on their website can certainly provide you a lot of idea. By zooming into the photos, you will be able to figure out what actually the texture is. Even if you are finding it hard to feel the texture, there is always the idea of checking out the materials at any nearby wedding card shop; you can place your order later online.

Indian wedding invitations

Indian wedding invitations | Image Resource :

Personal preference is definitely the final factor that matters. The online stores provide you the freedom to sit and discuss with your family members. You certainly cannot take each and everyone to the nearest wedding card store for showing them the final design. However, with the power of online Indian wedding invitations on your side, you will be able to show the design to each and everyone in your family. In this way, more suggestions can be included in the final design.

Choosing the right Indian wedding invitations supplier

Selection of the right supplier is also a crucial part that comes into play. Customer reviews are always helpful in figuring out the performance and reliability of the wedding card dealers online. Hence, by checking out the reviews of the Indian wedding invitation supplier you will be able to understand which ones are good for you. Overall, you need to compare the options available, without losing your patience, and you will definitely end up with the most appropriate design for your wedding card.